How health astrology helps you to come out of medical problems

You might be thinking, " How health astrology helps you ?" Well, here's the interesting part: Astrology is an ancient wisdom, even older than medical science. And it follows a simple but wise rule – "prevention is better than cure." You see, medical science steps in when someone already has health problems. But health astrology? Instead of waiting for health problems to arise, it gives you early warnings. So, you can take simple steps at certain ages to stay healthy and avoid significant health issues. It's like having your celestial health advisor! Can Astrology Predict Health Problems As per health astrology , every one of us get sick sometime or the other but it is a well understood fact that illnesses, just like birth and death are predestined. Be it sanchita karma or prarabdha karma, we have to suffer them all and be done with it. That apart, it is the good karmas of the past that ensure good health in this lifetime. Specific houses and signs indicat...