
Showing posts with the label IVF Pregnancy

How Reliable is Child Prediction by Astrology

  Astrology has captivated humanity for millennia, offering glimpses into personality, relationships, and even future events. But can it truly predict something as momentous as having a child? Dr. Vinay Bajrangi, a renowned astrologer, delves into the complexities and limitations of child prediction in this three-part blog series: Calculating Your Birth Chart Astrology has long been used as a tool to predict various aspects of life, including the chances of having children. Many individuals turn to astrology to obtain information about their future family life, including information about the timing and circumstances of a child's birth. However, the reliability of child prediction by astrology is a matter that should be considered carefully and only after consulting a good astrologer. One of the fundamental elements of predicting the potential for children in astrology is the birth chart . Calculating a birth chart involves analyzing the positions of celestial bodies at the time

How Can We Predict Child Birth from a Birth Chart

  If you're excited about becoming a parent and wondering when it might happen, astrology can help you. Predict Child Birth from Birth Chart by looking the positions of planets in your chart. You can get an idea of when you might experience the joy of having a child. Let's discover how astrology can help predict when you'll become a parent.   Astrological Factors Responsible for Childbirth   Astrology offers insights into predicting childbirth by examining the planetary positions in the birth chart . Here's a brief exploration of how astrology can provide clues about the timing of parenthood:   Fifth House Analysis: In astrology, the fifth house is associated with children and childbirth. Analyzing the placement and condition of planets in this house can provide indications regarding the timing of parenthood.   Dasha System: Utilizing the dasha system, which divides an individual's life into different planetary periods, helps predict favourable childbirth perio

Plan Pregnancy with the Right Astrology Guidance

  Pregnancy is a special and important time in a person's life. The idea is that astrology, which involves studying the positions of celestial bodies like stars and planets, can be used as an astrology guide during pregnancy .   Planning Pregnancy: According to astrology, specific time of conceive a baby might be considered more auspicious or favourable for starting a family. So, planning to get pregnant during these times is believed to contribute to the baby's good health.   Remedies and Lifestyle Changes: Astrology may offer suggestions for remedies and lifestyle changes to ensure a smooth and healthy pregnancy . This could involve wearing certain gemstones or following specific practices that are thought to bring positive energy.   Delivery Timing: The statement suggests that astrology can also guide the timing of the baby's delivery. It is believed that uncertainties or risks during childbirth can be minimized by choosing an auspicious time.   In essence, it'