
Showing posts with the label Mangal Dosha

What is My Marriage Compatibility Based on Date of Birth?

  Marriage is a life-changing milestone that holds immense importance in everyone’s life. A harmonious relationship with your partner can lead to happiness, stability, and mutual growth. But how do you ensure compatibility before tying the knot? Astrology provides answers through marriage matching by date of birth , helping individuals understand their marital prospects and challenges. This blog discusses the role of astrology in marriage compatibility, the ideal age for marriage, love marriage predictions, and how astrology predicts post-marriage health problems. Marriage Matching by Date of Birth The main aim of astrology, through kundali matching or horoscope matching , is to predict compatibility between two individuals. In this, a comparison is drawn between the birth charts of the bride and the groom-to-be in order to understand compatibility based on various grounds, such as emotional bonding, physical compatibility, and financial security. Important Grounds for Kundali...

2025 में मंगल का शासन रहेगा, इन 6 राशियों के लिए समृद्धि लाएगा

  मंगल ग्रह को ज्योतिष में ऊर्जा, साहस और शक्ति का प्रतीक माना जाता है। साल 2025 में मंगल का विशेष प्रभाव कुछ राशियों के जीवन में सकारात्मक बदलाव और समृद्धि लाएगा। आइए जानते हैं कि कौन–सी 6 राशियां इस वर्ष मंगल की कृपा से जीवन में उन्नति प्राप्त करेंगी और आपके लिए यह साल कैसा रहेगा। क्या आपको पता है कि आप मांगलिक हैं या नहीं? मांगलिक दोष का विवाह और वैवाहिक जीवन पर विशेष प्रभाव होता है। यह कुंडली में मंगल ग्रह की स्थिति पर निर्भर करता है। यदि आपकी कुंडली में मंगल प्रथम, चतुर्थ, सप्तम, अष्टम या द्वादश भाव में स्थित है, तो आप मांगलिक माने जाते हैं। मांगलिक दोष के कारण विवाह में देरी , वैवाहिक जीवन में समस्याएं, या अन्य कठिनाइयां आ सकती हैं। लेकिन, ज्योतिष के उपायों से इन दोषों को शांत किया जा सकता है। 2025 में मंगल की विशेष स्थिति आपकी कुंडली को कैसे प्रभावित करेगी, यह जानने के लिए विशेषज्ञ ज्योतिष से परामर्श लें। 2025 की ज्योतिषीय गणनाएं: इन 6 राशियों के लिए मंगल का वरदान 1. मेष राशि: मंगल मेष राशि का स्वामी ग्रह है। 2025 में मेष राशि के जातकों को करियर में बड़ी उपलब्धि...

What are the main Reasons for Delay in Marriage

   Delay in marriage  is the result of having certain doshas in the horoscope, such as Mangal dosha, the Saturn dosha and other significant doshas such as Pitra dosha, Kalatra dosha, Mangalya dosha and so on. Mangal dosha causes conflicts, or dissolves the marriage over time. Saturn causes undue delays in marriage. Other doshas have their repercussions on the marital life and marriage timing for the individual  Let us explore the reasons for marriage delay, How to know the Reasons for Late Marriage from the Horoscope? The term late marriage is subjective in nature as marriageable age cannot be exactly determined and can vary according to the times and cultures, communities, and individual preferences. Some planetary Yogas can postpone the marriage up to some time. That apart, although Yogas are very important factors, the entire horoscope along with divisional charts has to be assessed to come to the correct conclusion about the  reasons for late marriage . Indi...

Is Mangal Dosha Reason behind Marital Challenges

  We have often seen marriages getting postponed (sometimes due to the flimsiest of reasons), friction with in-laws, and then we see the happiest of marriages all of a sudden painfully disintegrating into a thin void. Astrologically it is due to the proverbial Mangal dosha. Being a Manglik does not mean you should be ostracised from the marriage market. Let us see how Mangal dosha is responsible for marital conflicts. Mangal Dosha Most of Mangliks are appealing and graceful, with impressive academic credentials, and are seen in highly admired positions in society, as doctors, engineers, civil servants and so on. Nevertheless, the commonly seen hurdles that appear at the finalizing stages of alliance, the separations and divorces, widowhood, apart from conflicts and strife in career and monetary losses are all to a good extent, caused due to Mangal Dosha . About 50–60% people are born Mangliks. This dosha, is not that deadly but it is important to check if there are any dosha erasin...

Astrology of Divorce or Separation in Horoscope

  These days, as the world is progressing towards economic empowerment and all round development, the family structure is by far the most neglected aspect in Indian social life.  Reasons for divorce are not just social in nature, but also have a strong astrological background. Certain yogas lead to divorce, the effect of which could be nullified using astrological remedies, but many do not avail their services. Let us discuss the indications of divorce in kundli . Divorce Yog in kundali : While Mars, Rahu, Saturn and Sun, rule the divorce trends it is the 4th house (happiness from Family,), 7th house (good marital life, ), 8th house (sex life and extra marital life) and 12th house (sexual pleasure).  Ascendant and 6th house that need to be looked up for the possibilities of divorce. Moon and Venus, if associated with Rahu or Ketu indicate divorce yog in Kundali . Conjunction of sun and an afflicted 7 th lord in the seventh house, is a sure fire indication that signals di...

Can I Marry If Kundli Does Not Match

  The question of Kundli matching in marriage has long been a source of anxiety and confusion for many. Can love truly to bloom if the stars aren't aligned? Can incompatible Kundli’s doom a marriage to failure? Dr. Vinay Bajrangi, a renowned astrologer, sheds light on this complex topic, dispelling myths and offering practical insights for navigating the world of Kundli Milan. In Indian weddings kundli matching play important role in marriage.  What Is Kundli Milan? Kundli Milan, also known as horoscope matching , is an ancient astrological practice where two birth charts are analyzed for compatibility. It examines the positions of planets, moon signs, and other celestial bodies to assess the potential harmony and challenges in a marriage. While it's not a definitive predictor of doom or bliss, it serves as a valuable tool for understanding each other's strengths, weaknesses, and potential areas of conflict. Understanding Kundli Dosha Doshas, in the context of Kundli Mila...