What are the main Reasons for Delay in Marriage

Delay in marriage is the result of having certain doshas in the horoscope, such as Mangal dosha, the Saturn dosha and other significant doshas such as Pitra dosha, Kalatra dosha, Mangalya dosha and so on. Mangal dosha causes conflicts, or dissolves the marriage over time. Saturn causes undue delays in marriage. Other doshas have their repercussions on the marital life and marriage timing for the individual Let us explore the reasons for marriage delay, How to know the Reasons for Late Marriage from the Horoscope? The term late marriage is subjective in nature as marriageable age cannot be exactly determined and can vary according to the times and cultures, communities, and individual preferences. Some planetary Yogas can postpone the marriage up to some time. That apart, although Yogas are very important factors, the entire horoscope along with divisional charts has to be assessed to come to the correct conclusion about the reasons for late marriage . Indi...