How Kundali Can Help You Pick the Right Career Path

Many a times, we see jet setting professionals who work in a super competitive environment, are surprisingly deficient in academic credentials or the skillsets. On the contrary, despite having glowing academic credentials and spectacular intelligence, some people are stuck in measly paying jobs that offer no job satisfaction. Let us see how kundli can help you pick right career path . Career astrology Astrologically speaking, the chief indicators for success in career are Saturn, Capricorn and the tenth house. While Saturn in Leo reflects powerful position, the same planet in Sagittarius might make one a spiritual leader. Typically, managers are born with Mercury in Capricorn, while undercover agents may have Moon there instead. Lord of the tenth house and placement of certain planets showcase the career trajectory of a person. Planets like Moon and Mars in different combinations may indicate medical or engineering career. Duration of career, skillset and professional personality...