
Showing posts with the label birth chart

Can what is written in the horoscope after birth be changed

  Horoscopes and birth charts have played an important role in Hindu astrology and mythology. According to most people, planetary positions at the time of birth decide a person's fate. But a critical question comes up—can what is written in the horoscope after birth be modified? The answer is hidden in knowing about astrology, karma, and human effort's effects. Is the Birth Chart Reliable? A birth chart is a celestial map that describes the positions of the planets at birth. It is a blueprint of an individual's life, forecasting things like career prediction , marriage prediction, health prediction, and longevity prediction. Though many people feel that birth charts are accurate, their interpretation is subject to the expertise of the astrologer and the belief system of the individual. What is Karma Chart? The idea of a karma chart is that previous actions shape present life experience. Although a birth chart is a pre-destined cosmic blueprint, karma can influence what wi...

Which Planet Causes a Good Career in Astrology?

  In astrology, the position of some planets is said to be powerful enough to guide our career opportunities and professional successes. Planets not only shape our overall life journey but also the career and work life. Wondering which planets are responsible for a successful career ? This blog will help you understand the planetary influences on your profession and guide you toward a right career path . How Can the Planets Help You Choose a Suitable Career Path? Astrology has a lot of insights into a person’s life, including career prediction . By analyzing the planetary positions, especially the planets governing the 10th house (that house which pertains to career and profession), we get a clear idea of the kind of work an individual will find fulfilling and successful. Every planet holds its influence on career options, so understanding this will actually guide one in the right professional path. Let’s explore the planets that have the most significant impact on your career...

जन्म कुंडली से जानें कौन सा भाव देता है अल्पायु का संकेत?

  ज्योतिष शास्त्र जीवन के हर पक्ष के बारे में विस्तारपूर्वक जानकारी देने का विशेष माध्यम है। ज्योतिष की मदद से हम जीवन से लेकर मृत्यु तक सभी बातों के बारे में पता लगा सकते हैं। कुंडली में ग्रहों की स्थिति, दशा और ग्रह चाल के कारण व्यक्ति के जीवन पर अनेक घटनाओं का असर पड़ता है। ग्रहों की चाल से ही पता चलता है कि जीवन की हर घटना पूर्व निर्धारित होती है और आपके पास जो जन्म कुंडली है, वह वास्तव में आपके कर्मों और आपके संपूर्ण जीवन का प्रमाण बनती है। जन्म कुंडली की स्थिति यह दर्शाती है कि आपके जन्म के समय ग्रह किस तरह से प्रभाव डाल रहे थे और कहां पर स्थित थे। अपने बारे में जब कोई सवाल करता है तो उसके पास कई तरह के प्रश्न होते हैं जिनमें से एक सामान्य प्रश्न जो लोग अक्सर पूछते हैं : मेरी जन्म कुंडली में कौन सा भाव अल्पायु को दर्शाता है? What house in my birth chart shows a short life? बहुत से लोग अपनी आयु के बारे में जानने के इच्छुक दिखाई देते हैं, लोग अक्सर अपने जीवन काल की स्थिति और समय को लेकर चिंतित रहते हैं। डॉ। विनय बजरंगी कहते हैं, कि इस तरह के प्रश्न या बातें विवाह ज्य...

Can Astrology Predict When I Will Get Pregnant?

  Pregnancy is a beautiful journey that many individuals and couples eagerly look forward to. But when there are delays or uncertainties, the anxiety can make one look for deeper answers. This is where astrology steps in, offering guidance and insights through your birth chart and planetary alignments. Astrology has long been used to predict major life events such as childbirth. In the following sections, we will look into how astrology can answer the question “ When will I get pregnant ?” Role of Planets in Childbirth In astrology, specific planets and houses are directly linked to fertility, pregnancy, and childbirth prediction . Their positions in your kundli or birth chart can provide crucial knowledge about your reproductive health and the timing of conception. The Fifth House: Known as the “House of Progeny,” this is the most important house in terms of childbirth. A well-placed ruler of the fifth house promises favorable chances for conceiving. Jupiter: Jupiter is the plane...

Astrological Predictions of Property and Wealth: Bhumi Yog in Kundali

  In astrology, the positions of different planets and their effect on you are determined by your birth chart which describes the blueprint of your life. A turning point in someone life always comes with some sort of planetary combination that we can see in a birth chart where Bhumi Yoga in Kundali used for property, land and wealth. What is Bhumi Yoga in Kundali? Bhumi Yoga: The favorable disposition of planets that indicates an individual’s capacity to own land, real estate or other prosperous assets. This yoga is created by specific planets especially related to 4th house (property, home, and emotional well-being) that influence your birth chart by being strong or favorable. The 4th house in astrology has to do with your roots, home life and the properties you own. The planets in this house. Birth Chart Analysis: How Bhumi Yoga Impacts Property and Wealth You can also see if you have Bhumi Yoga by detailed birth chart analysis. Key indicators include: Good 4th house placem...

How to Conceive a Child - Get Remedies to Child Birth

  Motherhood is a special and emotional journey for women. Becoming a mother is a life changing experience. Some women become mothers easily, while others face problems and challenges. These problems can happen because of health issues, lifestyle, or stress, and it can feel hard. Astrology can give helpful advice and easy solutions to make things better. Dr. Vinay Bajrangi talks about how child astrology can help you understand and solve problems on your way to becoming a mother. 1. Understanding the Role of Astrology in Childbirth Astrology is a very old practice that helps people understand their life by studying the positions of stars and planets at the time they were born. For childbirth, astrology looks at how planets and houses in a person’s birth chart can affect their chances of having a baby . Every person’s horoscope is different, and the way planets are placed can show if there might be challenges or blessings in becoming a parent. Important planets like Jupiter, Moon,...

When Will I Get a Job by Astrology?

  Astrology, an ancient science, has been used for centuries to understand various aspects of life, including career and employment. Many people seek guidance from their birth charts to predict when they will land a job, and whether that job will be in the private sector or with the government. Dr. Vinay Bajrangi will explore how astrology can help you Government Job Prediction prospects and right career section job or business. How to Predict a Job in Astrology? Astrology is based on the study of planet position on human life. When it comes to predicting a job or right career path , your birth chart or kundali plays an important role. Examine the 10th House: 10th house in your birth chart is the key to your career. This house governs your professional life, reputation, and achievements. If the 10th house is strong and well-placed, it signifies a prosperous career. Planets that are setting in or affect the tenth house can indicate the type of job you will get. The Role of the plan...

क्या ज्योतिष द्वारा जीवन काल का अनुमान संभव है?

  ज्योतिष एक प्राचीन विद्या है, जिसका उपयोग विभिन्न जीवन समस्याओं को सुलझाने और भविष्य का पूर्वानुमान लगाने के लिए किया जाता है। कई लोग यह जानना चाहते हैं कि क्या ज्योतिष का उपयोग करके जीवन काल को जानें संभव है। इस ब्लॉग में, हम इस प्रश्न का उत्तर खोजेंगे और समझेंगे कि ज्योतिष द्वारा जीवन काल का अनुमान कैसे लगाया जा सकता है। 1. ज्योतिष का सिद्धांत और जीवन काल की गणना ज्योतिष का आधार ग्रहों की स्थिति और उनके प्रभावों पर है। हमारे जन्म के समय ग्रहों की स्थिति का अध्ययन करने के लिए कुंडली (kundali) या जन्म कुंडली (birth chart) बनाई जाती है। ज्योतिषी ग्रहों और नक्षत्रों की स्थिति के आधार पर हमारे जीवन के महत्वपूर्ण पहलुओं का अनुमान लगाते हैं, जिसमें हमारे स्वास्थ्य, करियर, संबंध, और यहां तक कि जीवन काल भी शामिल हैं। ज्योतिष द्वारा जीवन काल की गणना का सिद्धांत ‘आयु निर्धारण’ के नियमों पर आधारित है। इन नियमों में ग्रहों की दशा, योग, और उनके प्रभाव का विश्लेषण करके यह समझा जाता है कि किसी व्यक्ति की जीवन अवधि कैसी होगी। 2. कुंडली के माध्यम से जीवन काल का अध्ययन कुंडली में आठ...

Chhath Puja 2024: Holy Festival for Child Happiness

   Chhath Puja is an important and holy festival of Hinduism, which is celebrated as the worship of Sun God and Chhathi Maiya. Especially in North India, this festival is celebrated for child happiness, family prosperity and bright future of children.  Chhath Puja 2024  festival has religious and spiritual significance, which also helps parents in getting children and solving problems related to their horoscope. Chhath Puja 2024 Date and Time This year the festival of  Chhath Puja  will start from 5 November 2024 and will be celebrated till 8 November 2024. The day of main puja and evening arghya is 7 November. On this day, the devotees offer arghya at sunset and seek the blessings of Sun God and Chhathi Maiya. Chhath Puja Details: Nahai Khay — 05 November 2024, Tuesday Sunrise Timing -6:39 am Sunset Timing -5:41 pm Kharna — 06 November 2024, Wednesday Evening Prayer — 07 November, Thursday Sunset Timing — 5:29 pm Morning Prayer — 08 November, Friday Sunris...

Choti Diwali 2024: Get Solutions for Business Growth By Astrology

  As Choti Diwali approaches, many businesses and entrepreneurs want to find ways to grow and succeed. This festival isn’t just about lighting lamps and celebrating; it’s also an excellent time to think about your business plans and get astrological advice for success. This year, Choti Diwali will be celebrated on October 30 to October 31, 2024. The timings are 06: 06 PM to 07:50 AM Know Your Kundali for Business Growth Your kundli or birth chart helps you understand your business chances better. By checking the planetary position, you can know about the dasha’s and planets that can affect your business success. With astrological guidance, you can find the best times to start new projects or make significant investments. The Role of Horoscope in Business Decisions Your horoscope can give you clues about your strengths, weaknesses, and possible challenges in business. By checking the current movements of the planets, you can adjust your business plans to match good cosmic ene...