Is Mangal Dosha Reason behind Marital Challenges

We have often seen marriages getting postponed (sometimes due to the flimsiest of reasons), friction with in-laws, and then we see the happiest of marriages all of a sudden painfully disintegrating into a thin void.
Astrologically it is due to the proverbial Mangal dosha. Being a Manglik does not mean you should be ostracised from the marriage market. Let us see how Mangal dosha is responsible for marital conflicts.
Mangal Dosha
Most of Mangliks are appealing and graceful, with impressive academic credentials, and are seen in highly admired positions in society, as doctors, engineers, civil servants and so on.
Nevertheless, the commonly seen hurdles that appear at the finalizing stages of alliance, the separations and divorces, widowhood, apart from conflicts and strife in career and monetary losses are all to a good extent, caused due to Mangal Dosha.
About 50–60% people are born Mangliks. This dosha, is not that deadly but it is important to check if there are any dosha erasing combinations. Karmic correction is another method of mitigating the Martian influence.
Mangal Dosha in Kundli
Mangal dosha in kundli happens when Mars, or Mangal is seated in the first, second, fourth, seventh, eighth or the twelfth houses. According to some, Mars in the second also contributes to a mild extent to mangal dosha.
First house reflects on you in general, second house is indicative of your family, fourth house represents domestic concord, seventh house for the partner, 8th house for the longevity, and twelfth house for the carnal pleasures.
Positioning of Mars in these important houses that govern marital happiness, certainly means that happiness derived from these houses get diminished.
Mangal dosha is also ascertained from ascendant, moon and Venus. Mangal dosha, is at its severest if seen from Venus, it is weak if seen from the ascendant, strong, if seen from Moon. Venus symbolises married partner and presence of Mars here, damages the happiness derived from partner to the greatest extent.
You could say that the severity of dosha is 100 percent if it is formed in the 8th house, 50 percent if in Lagna, 25 percent if found in the 7th house, 12.5 percent if found in 4th house, 6.66 percent if found in 12th and 2nd. Read more Whether I am Manglik or not
Marriage dosha caused by Mars is about 100 percent, by Saturn it is 75 percent, by Sun it is 50 percent and by Rahu Ketu it is 25 percent.
- Mars in the ascendant makes the person unhappy or stressed, indicates possibilities of manhandling or physical violence and divorce
- A badly seated Mars in second house creates bickering in the household, in married and professional life.
- The 4th house affliction takes away domestic happiness, and causes issues with respect to properties or vehicles. One may be tempted to switch jobs too often, or stuck with an unsuccessful career, or facing extreme financial pitfalls.
- The 7th house disrupts conjugal happiness due to a domineering spouse, who is always at war with in laws, He or she might be irate always and involved with multiple partners.
- The 8th house, if afflicted by Mars can likely cause accidents and the spouse is lazy and might likely lose his inheritance due to quarrels with parents.
- The 12th house usually causes trauma due to overindulgence, trouble by hidden enemies, psychological problems.
Do not be alarmed! There is certainly a way out, to avert the negativities of Mars in the horoscope.
- Marriage between two Mangliks nullifies the dosha.
- If one of the couples shows a Manglik dosha in their horoscope, the dosha can be averted if the person is first married to a peepal or banana tree or to a Vishnu idol.
- It is said that Mars in his own house, exaltation, or Moola Trikona signs does not affect the native.
- Dosha is nullified if Mars receives good aspects from Venus, Moon or Jupiter.
- For a Manglik person born on Tuesday, mangal dosha by birth will be absent.
People with this Dosha, once married, almost always face conflicts, animosity with the spouse. Mars given his volatile nature, can cause turmoil in the relationship. In case, all these indications are absent, in some cases, it can still cause health hazards and cause financial doldrums. Effect of mangal dosha on marital life is multifaceted.
Consultation for marriage
An astro counselling must be taken, preferably when talks are held for the first time for the alliance. It is always best to connect to an astrologer offline or online and enrol yourself for the appointment on a particular day. He will carry out Gun Milan and horoscope matching to see if mangal dosha is going to cause any marital challenge and suggest remedies. You can take astrological Consultation for delay marriage essential. Any specific issue, connect with my office @ +91 9999113366. God bless you with a happy marital bliss.
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