How can I Find My Real Rashi?


Vedic astrology considers the Moon sign, also known as Rashi, very important. The Moon is a significant planet and is called the queen in the planet's astrological cabinet. In Vedic astrology, almost everything is analyzed from the Rashi, except for Lagna, which emphasizes the importance of the Moon. The Moon chart is as important as the Natal chart. The astrologers give them equal weightage.

The Moon chart is used to analyze the effects of the transit of planets and further helps determine good and bad times in life. Therefore, it is crucial to know your Moon sign or Rashi. You will need to know your rashi to be able to read your daily horoscope, monthly, and yearly horoscopes. Here, we will explain how to find your real Rashi or Moon sign.

How can I know Which Rashi I am?

To know your Rashi, you need to have your birth chart. One can get his free online kundli or free online birth chart at the best astro app- Karma Astro App. You need to provide general information about your birth, like the date, time and place, and you can get your free horoscope instantly.

In Kundli, you need to look at which sign your Moon is placed. The zodiac sign where you find your Moon placed is your Moon sign or rashi. The birth chart has 12 compartments known as houses in the astrological language. In these houses, you will find numbers written falling between 1 and 12. These numbers are nothing but the zodiac sign representations. For your convenience, we are enlisting the numbers along with the zodiac signs:

1-    Aries

2- Taurus

3- Gemini

4- Cancer

5-   Leo

6- Virgo

7- Libra

8- Scorpio

9- Sagittarius

10- Capricorn

11- Aquarius

12- Pisces

Know Your Rashi by Name and Date of Birth

"Rashi" refers to your moon sign in Vedic astrology, and it's determined based on your name and date of birth. Here's how you can find out your Rashi:


1. Know Your Name: Your name is the first step. Make sure you know the name you were given based on your janm nakshatra. The Janam nakshatra is the nakshatra in which your natal Moon is placed. Every nakshatra has four padas, and each pada has been given some initials in astrological texts. A corresponding name to the nakshatra brings promising results. If your name corresponds to your Janm Nakshatra, you may know your rashi. 


2. Know Your Date of Birth: This is the day you were born, including the month and year.


Once you have this information, you can find your Rashi by consulting a Vedic astrology chart or using online calculators on the Karma astro app specifically designed for this purpose. These tools use complex algorithms based on Vedic astrology principles to determine your Rashi accurately.


By entering your name and date of birth into these tools, you'll receive information about your Rashi, which represents the position of the Moon at the time of your birth. This Rashi holds significance in Vedic astrology and can provide insights into your personality, behaviour, strengths, and challenges.

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