How to Predict Diseases from Horoscope


Horoscope prediction is one of the most popular terms that people search for online as well as offline. When it comes to online, there are multiple platforms available that provide online consultation for Kundali while covering various aspects of life including health, disease, longevity and so on. What does bother you in your life – your Kundali might have the answer to your concern. And for that, you can take advantage of voice reports for health disease prediction from a reputed astrologer.

Also, if you are curious to know predict diseases from horoscope, then this blog will share some unheard yet practical things about astrology. So, let’s check out what to expect from health and disease prediction from an astrologer's view point.

How do We Detect Health Diseases in Astrology

From your Kundali, an astrologer can make disease predictions. Whether you are suffering from a chronic disease or at a beginning stage of the disease, the consultation for health prediction from a qualified astrologer will be beneficial. Sometimes what your medical reports can’t detect, the astrological health prediction does. From analysing various health and disease related houses and planets, you will get to know various causes and time estimation till you would likely to suffer from such illnesses.

Now, let’s delve into how astrologers make disease predictions by Kundali.

Prediction of diseases and health of a native from the horoscope encompasses a detailed analysis of various astrological factors in the Kundli of the respective native.

As the Kundli or birth chart of a person comprises twelve houses and each of them represents different aspects of life, including health. In predicting health and diseases or lifespan predictions, astrologers pay particular attention to the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses as these houses are known as the "Dusthana '' houses and they are related to diseases, accidents, and losses.

Besides these houses, the astrology consultation for health prediction, the astrologers consider planetary placements in these houses, as well as their aspects on the house lords. Based on their findings, they provide insights into a person's susceptibility to specific health issues. By connecting with an experienced astrologer, you can find an online report for Health Disease Prediction and learn everything related to your health and diseases you might suffer in life.

Along with houses and placement of planets, the astrologers also consider malefic planets like Saturn, Mars, Rahu, and Ketu. In this check, they pay attention if these malefic planets are positioned or aspecting the 6th, 8th, or 12th houses in Kundli and if so, they can indicate potential health challenges or chronic conditions to native.

Additionally, the strength and placement of the ascendant lord in your Kundali and the Moon, which signifies the overall constitution and mental well-being, are crucial in health and disease prediction by Kundali. To better understand, you can find a voice report for health disease prediction that allows one to thoroughly understand this review.

How can Astrology Predict Lifespan?

Just like health and disease, Kundali can predict lifespan or how long a person will live. No doubt, lifespan prediction is a sensitive aspect of astrology and involves a deep and complex analysis of the Kundli. For this purpose, the qualified astrologers consider longevity indicators which include the strength of the ascendant, the 8th house, and its lord.

Also, there are longevity Yogas, planetary periods, and overall health indicators which astrologers take into account to estimate lifespan with caution and sensitivity of the person.

Conclusion –

Disease prediction from a horoscope requires a meticulous analysis of planetary placements, Yogas, transits, and Dasha periods. Consultation with Mumbai Astro and the use of specialised voice reports can provide you with potential health concerns and its solutions in the form of astrological remedies.



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