
Ways to Handle Court Cases using Astrology

  It is not always wise and brave to file or fight a legal case but sometimes settlement is a much better option. But then what can guide you. Professional in Law business should in all fairness should tell you this. But can we do something else in such situations. This question becomes more pertinent because in a race to prove our primacy & increasing aspirations, such legal issues are taking front seat in the life of many people. In such cases apart from the rules, regulations, laws and expertise of the legal professionals, there is something which can be vetted through a birth chart, says Dr. Vinay Bajrangi, a famous astrologer in India. He says there are clear cut indications for the reasons & outcome of such litigations in your life and it suggest the best way to handle the court cases and legal issues in your life. Mid Day spoke to him who revealed many vital points that can help a person whenever such situations arise. If you are wondering what does astrologers have ...

The Role of Astrological Signs in Birth Timing

  Pregnancy is a rollercoaster of emotions for expecting parents, the very idea of bringing a new life into the world is sensational. However, this period is also marked by significant anxiety and stress for the new parents and the family, especially if there are any challenges or complications in pregnancy. The journey of childbirth is very often described as a blend of hope, anticipation and lots and lots of emotions. The relationship between astrology and childbirth is an interesting topic as it links ancient beliefs with modern medical practices. When we talk of the birthing process or childbirth, many expecting parents have the desire for normal delivery because of the benefits of C-Section. So, when it comes to choosing between a c-section and a normal delivery, each path has its own set of blessings and challenges. A natural delivery promises quick recovery and a gentle, immediate bond with the newborn. On the contrary, a C-Section promises predictability and relief from lab...

Nakshatras associated with Delay in Marriage

    Marriage is an important institution that forms the foundation for family and societal stability and it holds huge importance in Indian society and culture even in the present scenario. While some people struggle to find even a single match, others don’t feel satisfied with the prospects that come their way for marriage. This dissatisfaction can be due to many reasons, such as expectations, incompatible matches or any other personal reasons. Late marriage can significantly impact various aspects of an individual’s life: emotional well-being, personal life or future planning to name a few. There are many reasons that may contribute to delay in marriage; some are common and relatable to all such as financial insecurity, difference in culture and backgrounds, personal circumstances, emotional challenges etc. While others can be personal and unique to an individual like unforeseen life events or complex situation in relationships or in family. There are many who are struggling...

How To Read Kundli for Career, Health, Business, Marriage

   Vedic astrology has been proven effective and relevant since ancient times. The fact that people still follow something that emanated in Vedic times shows how trustworthy and helpful this science is. It has stood the test of time, proving its authenticity. However, some quirky and pessimists still question its importance. The possibility is that they may still need to meet the right astrologer who knows  how to read Kundli . If you think we’re talking about something unreal, like the best astrologer in India or the best astrologer near you, it’s not. You can’t rate an astrologer as best or otherwise because different astrologers interpret astrology principles differently, relying on their intuitions and experience. But, one important thing is that you should be wise enough to reach a good astrologer. Remember, a good astrologer is not restricted to any particular religion or country. A common practice in astrology studies or Kundli analysis is to mainly focus on the “l...

पूर्वाषाढ़ा नक्षत्र : करियर में सफलता के गढ़ सकते हैं नए आयाम

  पूर्वाषाढ़ा नक्षत्र, नक्षत्र मंडल में एक चमकदार सितारा है जिसकी शुभता इसे काफी विशेष बनाती है. पूर्वाषाढ़ा नक्षत्र चक्र में 20वां स्थान पाता है. धनु राशि में पूर्वाषाढ़ा नक्षत्र आने से करियर के दृष्टिकोण से ये जातक को काफी बेहतर विकल्प दिलाने में सहायक होता है. इसके अलावा पूर्वाषाढ़ा नक्षत्र का स्वामी ग्रह शुक्र है। करियर ज्योतिष अनुसार राशि स्वामी गुरु और नक्षत्र स्वामी शुक्र का योग व्यक्ति को “बिजनेस और नौकरी” दोनों में सफलता दिलाता है.  इस नक्षत्र का स्वामी शुक्र है तो “राशि स्वामी शुक्र” हैं और “ करियर ज्योतिष ” में इन दोनों ग्रहों की भूमिका व्यक्ति को उन मूलभूत बातों से जोड़ती है जो उसके कार्यक्षेत्र को बेहतर बनाने में उपयोगी होती हैं.  आइये जान लेते हैं नौकरी या व्यवसाय कौन से क्षेत्र में बना सकते हैं पूर्वाषाढ़ा नक्षत्र वाले अपना करियर. पूर्वाषाढ़ा  नक्षत्र में जन्मा जातक अपने करियर को लेकर कई बातें सोच सकता है लेकिन उसके लिए कौन सी बातें विशेष अहमियत रख सकती हैं और किन चीजों को ध्यान में रखते हुए वह अपने करियर को बेहतरीन बना सकता है. इन सभी बातों की पड़ताल ...

Choose Your Best Career with Nakshatra

  Many of us struggle to choose the right career. There is always uncertainty when it comes to careers. Sometimes, we are drawn to other career paths and want to start something new. In such uncertain times, astrology can be a helpful guide. Nakshatras can give helpful hints about your career prediction . These hints are especially useful if you are still deciding about a career. This blog will help you find the best career based on the Nakshatra you were born under. In Vedic astrology, it is possible to determine the most suitable career for you based on the moon’s position in the horoscope. The natal moon’s placement, known as Janam nakshatra, influences your personality and career. In Vedic times, scholars used nakshatras to make predictions about future life. Only an expert astrologer using your career horoscope by date of birthcan define your best career based on the nakshatra. If you pursue a career suggested by your nakshatra , you are likely to achieve success and fame. Let...