Ways to Handle Court Cases using Astrology


It is not always wise and brave to file or fight a legal case but sometimes settlement is a much better option. But then what can guide you. Professional in Law business should in all fairness should tell you this. But can we do something else in such situations. This question becomes more pertinent because in a race to prove our primacy & increasing aspirations, such legal issues are taking front seat in the life of many people. In such cases apart from the rules, regulations, laws and expertise of the legal professionals, there is something which can be vetted through a birth chart, says Dr. Vinay Bajrangi, a famous astrologer in India.

He says there are clear cut indications for the reasons & outcome of such litigations in your life and it suggest the best way to handle the court cases and legal issues in your life. Mid Day spoke to him who revealed many vital points that can help a person whenever such situations arise. If you are wondering what does astrologers have to do with our fate regarding court cases, reading below excerpts of our discussions with him will make some sense.

Q — Is it possible for an astrologer to see the Court Cases /Legal issues in a Horoscope?

Dr. Vinay Bajrangi: If an astrologer is able and experienced, he can check out your horoscope and identify or foresee any court cases or legal matters. You would be surprised to know that such houses or planets act or react differently for different set of people involved in the court cases. However, you need to keep in mind that different houses in your birth chart depict different genres of court cases. To understand this, we need to understand the extent of human behaviour and different forms of people who are associated with court cases –

1) The Court-Aggressor — One who tries to take on everyone by suing them

2) The Receiver — One who gets entangled in a court case every now and then

3) The Gainer — People such as lawyers, judges, etc who gain from court cases, though, through no direct association

4) The Duty-Bound — Those who visit courts like the duty-bound govt employees or police officers required to take part in the proceedings.

The knowledge of these four different categories of individuals is imperative for an astrologer to predict how to win court cases astrologically for his client. A well-versed Vedic Astrologer will surely be able to read different houses of the horoscopes of these four types of people and find out that person’s ability to deal with the case and the corresponding possibility of winning or losing. All this is done through a detailed analysis of an individual’s birth-chart/horoscope. The horoscope analysis for court cases is a branch of Vedic Astrology that has gained momentum in the recent decades, considering the precedence that court battles are gaining over usual ways of settlement.

Q — What planetary combinations and houses lead to court cases?

DVB — As we know already, every house, every planet in the horoscope has a role to play regarding matters related to courts. A horoscope is a cyclic thing, which has a start point or the ascendant or the first house, no doubt, but because of its cyclic nature, every house is the first house as well as the last house, depending upon the time and arrangement. The power factor or impact of a house is calculated based on the strength that it transmits with respect to every planet. This helps us realise the significance and influence of every house. An astrologer carried out a complete horoscope analysis for court cases in case of a client.To make things simple, let me state how astrologers analyze things in your horoscope –

  1. The 6th house influences the probability of facing court cases.
  2. The 7th House shows the strengths & weaknesses of your opponents in the court. It also indicates the amount of negotiation to be had with the opponents.
  3. The 8th House in the Horoscope indicates the magnitude of punishment one can get out of court cases. It also shows the type of difficulties one can face in court cases and the court case’s duration.
  4. The 12th House in your Horoscope indicates the outcome. A strong Lagna Lord, in this case, also favours the native.

An experienced astrologer for Court Case will go through each of these houses to predict your position vis-a-vis your court case.

Q — How reliable is astrology to predict our court cases?

DVB: The lawsuit yoga in a horoscope indicates the extent of court cases in which an individual could get involved. An individual’s horoscope has many lawsuit yoga(s), which fructify (or give benefit to a native) only if the relevant Planet’s Dasha (period) is active or operational. For instance, if a planet’s dasha points out that a native is going into a court case, but the transiting planets don’t agree, the native will have issues in the court case. To explain this further, the Lawsuit Yogas are a weak 6th House, Inflicted Lord of 6th House with malefic like Rahu, Ketu, Saturn. In case there is a connection between the 6th House and/or the 8th or 12th Houses, that is a clear indicator that a native will face court case. Read more How long will my case continue

Q — Can astrology help person winning the court cases?

DVB: To win a court case astrologically takes an experienced astrologer and a detailed analysis of a client’s horoscope/birth chart. To start with, astrology of court cases can indicate the best period to file, appear, and defer in case of the court case. If an individual receives correct information regarding these aspects, it would help him glide effortlessly through the court proceedings and, eventually in winning the case. I will try to explain this through an example –

Mr. Vivek Nathani (Name Changed) was involved in a court case against his department on corruption charges. He was the smallest fry to get caught even though the main culprits were apparently being given a clean chit. Mr. Nathani was up against a battery of able lawyers on behalf of the government machinery. Even though he had a respected lawyer defending himself, it seemed that things were going against Mr. Nathani and he was not even getting a bail from the court. When his chart was studied, it was found that his 6th House was weak. The 6th House indicates an individual’s strength vis-a-vis fighting and winning a court case. A weak sixth house can be strengthened with the help of suitable Dasha or Gochar (Transit). It took me time to calculate the supportive planets’ strength and impact and also the time when it would fructify. Accordingly, I asked him to wait a few months, till the good dasha would arrive. Mr. Nathani was also advised to change his lawyer and within some time, he not only got the bail but was also able to get back his revenge from the department. Read more Will I be able to win the court case

Therefore, there is no doubt that if an individual tries to fight court cases in wake of a weak 6th house and wrong Dasha/Gochar, his chances are winning are reduced considerably and he can miserably lose as well. But a favourable Dasha and Gochar can play a vital role in a client winning the legal cases.

Q — Can a Birth-Chart also indicate a Jail or imprisonment yoga?

DVB: Yes, you would be surprised to know that in Vedic Astrology, we even have a name for it — the ‘Bandhan Yoga.’ The classical book on astrology, ‘Jataka Tatvam’, explains this Yoga in detail. The Bandhan Yoga relates to prison or police custody, however, it also attributed to a number of negative influences, including black magic as well. The detailed report of this Yoga is derived from a negatively-placed Saturn as well as an affected 12th House in your birth-chart.

In terms of astrology for court cases, affliction to the 2nd, 5th, 9th, and 12th houses is usually seen as a ‘Bandhan’. Since, Jupiter is the natural doer or ‘karaka’ of 2nd, 5th, and 9th Houses, its affliction is also considered while studying the ‘Bandhan Yoga’. In another case, if the same number of planets are in the 2–12 houses, 3–11 houses, 4–10 houses, 5–9 houses and 6–12 houses, you can be assured that the Bandhan Yoga is being formed.

Bandhan is signified through isolation, hospital, asylum, meditation, apart from prison sentence or policy custody. In addition, this Yoga also indicates past life confinements and Moksha (Nirvana). Saturn is the Chief Doer or Karaka of the 12th House, which is the primary house to look for ‘Bandhan’. The 12th house’s affliction or that of its Lord, the Saturn, can also suitably indicate the Bandhan Yoga in an individual’s horoscope. Two or more malefic like Mars-Rahu, Saturn-Rahu, Saturn-Mars, Saturn-Ketu or Mars-Ketu can also lead to a Bandhan Yoga in your horoscope.

Q — Does a horoscope indicate relief from court cases or Legal Issues?

DVB: The Vedic Astrology can effectively read all aspects of human life and this includes the success or failure of court cases in an individual’s life. Being an experienced astrologer myself, I can safely say that astrology is well-equipped to divulge the secrets hidden deep inside the human existence. This includes the secrets about court-cases too. Whether you are looking for what are the astrological combinations for success in court cases or seeking information on which planet helps in court cases, Vedic Astrology won’t disappoint you. However, a horoscope needs to be read in detail, keeping an open mind, before you can pinpoint the specific durations or time periods conducive for winning a court cases. Often, the truth is indicated in terms of small steps to victory, instead of the grand victory itself. Whether it is granting of a bail, or getting a favorable judgement in court, all it takes is reading about a good Dasha/Gochar before an astrologer can assure you of getting relief in court cases or warn you of failure in the same. One can hope for relief from the court cases even with a weak planet, if the Dasha of a positive planet is favouring his stars. Read more Will my case be concluded this year

Q — What is the best remedy to win a court case?

DVB: I am of the opinion that remedies should be carried out only in case there is no other means or ways left to explore. This is because I have personally seen remedies backfiring if done by an inexperienced astrologer or done in case of improper planet. Such cases see individuals being more harmed than being benefitted by the remedy. In addition, your opponents in a court case play an equal role in indicating your prospects and even if you are the common thread in different court cases against you or filed by you, the outcome of each will be different because the opponents are different. Therefore, the same remedy won’t work for all cases just because you are the common thread.

In Mumbai Astro, the best remedy to win a court case astrologically is to strengthen the planets responsible for winning while weakening the planets that work against you. Waiting for the Dasha of a positive planet is also a good way to let success happen organically. The best way to achieve success in a court case astrologically is to weaken the 6th House and its Lord. Additionally, appeasing the Nakshatra of either the 6th house or the Nakshatra where the Lord of the 6th House is placed at that time, may also lead you to the desired outcome.

To the half of people who consult me on court cases, I advise them to settle the court cases than fighting it out but for this, I cannot give any clear basis as such an advice depends on many hidden factors which I don’t want to be misquoted. Read more What will be my lifespan

These were the views of Dr. Vinay Bajrangi, one of the top best astrologers in India, who has released similar insights on astrology for property and why some remain under debts throughout their life. To know more from him, one can connect with him through his website www.vinaybajrangi.com or through his office no +91 9999113366

Source: https://mumbaiastro.in/blog/handle-court-cases-using-astrology/


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