How to know Right Time for Conceive a Baby According to Astrology


Conception is a game of chances, but it is still possible to have your dream child, by selecting the right muhurta for conception. Certain days, tithis and nakshatras offer conducive muhurtas for conception which when followed, makes the child bearing experience easy and welcome.

Sometimes, after a failure of IVF method of conception, gloom and disillusionment may set in the family members. During such times, adoption is advised to help them to embrace adopted child as their own and feel fulfilled as a family. Let us know the right time for conceiving a baby through astrological advice.

Right Time for Conceive a Baby

According to children prediction by astrology, the right moment for conception depends on factors like zodiac signs, transits lunar cycles, and placement of Venus.

Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Leo signs offer the best muhurtas for conception. Auspicious placement of Venus shows that the time is ideal for conception. It is believed that menstrual cycles are in alignment with lunar cycles.

According to Vedic astrology, there are certain auspicious timings for conceiving a child. The sixteenth and fourth days of the lunar month are always lucky, and ensure a successful pregnancy.

Best time in my horoscope to conceive a baby boy

As per child astrology, it is the birth chart and planetary combinations that decide the best time for childbirth. Also, Jupiter and Venus transits, provide the best muhurtas for fertility and conception.

As far as the time is concerned, ideal time is between the 4th and 16th night of the menstrual cycle. Conception on even nights such as the 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th, and 16th gives rise to a male child, whereas odd nights such as the 5th, 9th, 7th, 11th, 15th and 13th would result in the birth of a female child. Among the other nights, the 8th, 9th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 15th, and 16th nights are just the right time to conceive a baby.

The best nakshatras for conception are the fixed nakshatras, of Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashadha, UttaraBhadhra, Rohini, Mrigashira, Anuradha, Hastha, Swati, Dhanistha, and Shatabhisha. A good conception nakshatra ensures wellbeing of the future child and smooth pregnancy.

The best tithis for conception are 1, 3, 10, 12, 5, 7, and 13. Thursday, Wednesday Friday, and Monday are the best days to conceive.

During the right muhurta for conception, the benefic planets would be in Kendra and trikona while malefic planets occupy upachayas. Moon should occupy an odd navamsha and the ascendant must have the aspect of Sun, Jupiter and Mars on it. Strength of Moon, in the horoscopes of the couple, should be checked to see if the timing augurs well for conception. Read more When will I be able to conceive

Best Time for Adoption

Time for adoption needs to be carefully selected in order to find the right child that suits your needs. Amongst the nakshatras, Pushya, Anuradha, and Purva Falguni are deemed auspicious for child adoption. Good tithis for this are Prathama, Dwitiya, Tritiya, Panchami, Saptami, Dashami, Ekadashi and Thrayodashi.

In the Muhurta Kundali, Moon should not be found in the fourth, eighth or twelfth sign from the “name sign” of the child or its parents. Also check the Karana, Hora, and Rahukala so that the inauspicious moments could be avoided for adoption.

Adoption should begin on an auspicious day, like Sunday, Thursday, Tuesday and Friday. Beneficial planets such as Jupiter should be present in the ascendant, which should be a fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio), preferably, as it ensures a stable life for the child.

At the time of adoption, the Ascendant should be situated auspiciously. If the fifth, ninth and tenth house have beneficial effects or a benefic has occupied these houses, and also if malefic, at the same time, are placed in third, sixth, eleventh houses, this is the best time for adoption.

Sun Sign will tell us all about the child’s basic personality type and inclinations. Moon Sign unravels the emotional attributes, and habits of the child. The ascendant is the foremost factor to consider while assessing the child’s personality, level of social interaction and conversation skills, Planetary configurations have significance of their own.

Astrology Consultation

Bad or good planetary influences can certainly show up the pluses and minuses of the child’s personality so that you will know what to focus on.

In Conclusion

The challenges of upbringing a child can be minimized by understanding the astrological background of the child. Which helps to know your Healthy prediction and personality. Planetary alignment and lunar phases can have a particularly powerful impact on the growing fetus. Moon meditation and moon gazing boost moons energy in the pregnant woman for conception and easy pregnancy.  

Following the best time to conceive a baby is extremely necessary.

Any specific issue, connect with my office @ +91 9999113366. God bless you with a happy life.


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